SC13 Home > SC13 Schedule > SC13 Presentation - 4th SC Workshop on Petascale (Big) Data Analytics: Challenges and Opportunities

SCHEDULE: NOV 16-22, 2013

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4th SC Workshop on Petascale (Big) Data Analytics: Challenges and Opportunities

SESSION: 4th SC Workshop on Petascale (Big) Data Analytics: Challenges and Opportunities

EVENT TYPE: Workshops

TIME: 9:00AM - 5:30PM

Organizer(s):Ranga Raju Vatsavai, Scott Klasky, Manish Parashar


The recent decade has witnessed data explosion, and petabyte sized data archives are not uncommon any more. It is estimated that organizations with high end computing (HEC) infrastructures and data centers are doubling the amount of data that they are archiving every year. On the other hand computing infrastructures are becoming more heterogeneous. The first three workshops held with SC10, SC11, and SC12 were a great success. Continuing on this success, in addition to the cloud focus, we propose to broaden the topic of this workshop with an emphasis on middleware infrastructure that facilitates efficient data analytics on big data. The proposed workshop intends to bring together researchers, developers, and practitioners from academia, government, and industry to discuss new and emerging trends in high end computing platforms, programming models, middleware and software services, and outline the data mining and knowledge discovery approaches that can efficiently exploit this modern computing infrastructure.

Chair/Organizer Details:

Ranga Raju Vatsavai - Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Scott Klasky - Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Manish Parashar - Rutgers University

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