Exhibitor Forum
The Exhibitor Forum offers an opportunity to learn about the latest advances in the supercomputing marketplace. Manufacturers, vendors and HPC service providers will present new products, services and roadmaps. Industry leaders will share their insights into customer needs, market drivers, product strategies and technology trends. Case studies will illustrate how their current and future solutions can be used effectively.
We're particularly excited this year to restructure the sessions to include topics focused on forefront issues such as data, HPC services, usability and exascale. The Exhibitor Forum topic areas this year are:
• Hardware & Architecture
• Moving, Managing & Storing Data
• Software for HPC
• Effective Application of HPC
• HPC Futures & Exascale
Please join us for a few Exhibitor Forum sessions this year. We have a great lineup with 42 talks across 15 sessions. The Forum runs Tu. through Thurs. Check the SC13 schedule for details.
If you have any questions, please send email to exhibitor-forum@info.supercomputing.org.